How to Promote your Website?

Internet advertisement to promote your website is expensive and needs a very large budget. In comparison it is much cheaper to rank higher for your preferred keywords on the main search engines organic search results. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the backbone for obtaining better placement positions for particular keywords in organic search results. Some simple steps given below can do wonders for your web site:

Focus on high density Keyword Page Title

Write a descriptive title for each web page with a higher density for keywords that you want people to find you with. Use 5 to 8 words, remove as many “filler” words from the title (such as “the,” “and,” etc.), while still keeping it readable. This page title will appear hyper-linked on the search engines when your page is found. Place this at the top of the web page between the title tags, so it is shown on the blue bar at top of your internet browser.

Description META Tag

It is one of the most important yet ignored factor. Most search engines include meta description below your hyper linked title in the search results. People will click your link based on this description. So make it as appealing as possible. The description should be a sentence or two describing the content of the web page, using the main keywords and key phrases on the page you are optimizing. Don’t include keywords that don’t appear on the web page. Place the Description META Tag at the top of the web page.

Keywords in Headers H1, H2, H3…

Search engines consider keywords that appear in the page headline and sub heads to be important to the page. Make sure your desired keywords and phrases appear in one or two header tags. Use keywords in the H1, H2, and H3 tags to provide clues to the search engine.

Position Your Keywords in the First Paragraph

Give a strong opening paragraph. Google may or may not search beyond the first 200 words or so of your web site, but it definitely looks at the first paragraph. Search engines expect that your first paragraph will contain the important keywords for the introduction to the content of the page. Google might expect a keyword density in the entire body text area of maybe 1.5% to 2% for a word that should rank high, so it should not be overdone.

Use Keywords in Hyperlinks

Search engines are looking for clues to the focus of your web page. When they see words hyper-linked in your body text, they consider these potentially important, so hyper-link your important keywords and key phrases.

Create a Site Map

A site map page that links to all your pages can help search engines and visitors find your website pages, particularly if you have a larger site. Create a free account on Google Webmaster Tools, submit your sitemap there. This’ll help Google to index your web pages. There are many other important features those can be used to increase your web site visibility on search results.

Develop Web pages Focused on Each of Your Target Keywords

Develop several web pages on your site, each of which is focused on a target keyword or key phrase for which you would like a high ranking.

Linking Strategies

A linking strategy is a methodology that builds appropriate inbound links to your site and helps you achieve your overall business objectives. Also Google and other major search engines consider the number of incoming links to your website (“link popularity”) as an important indicator of relevance, more links will help you rank higher in the search engines. Google has a measure called Page Rank that reflects the quantity and quality of incoming links. All links aren’t equal. Links from trusted, popular sites help your site rank higher.

Submit Your Site to Key Directories

Submit your site to specialized directories. For instance, a mortgage professional should submit her site to mortgage directories. A site on real estate should be sent to real estate or loan directories. Link from a directory will help your ranking – and get you traffic. A directory is not a search engine. Rather, it is a hierarchical listing of sites sorted according to category and subcategory. Yahoo Directory is an important directory. Marginal directories, however, come and go very quickly, making it hard to keep up, so don’t try to be exhaustive here. Beware of directories that solicit you for “upgraded listings”. Unless a directory is widely used in your field, a premium ad is a waste of money – but the (free) link itself will help boost your Page Rank and hence your search engine ranking.

Publish a Blog

Start a blog on your website, hosted on your own domain. If you offer excellent content and regular industry comment, people are likely to link to it, increasing your site’s Page Rank.


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